Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Fairy Garden" Korker Bow

The "Fairy Garden" specialty bow is made from three different colors of grosgrain ribbon! This combination can be ordered in any sizes (Mini, gathered or Big Korkers,) when ordering please type "Fairy Garden" in notes to seller to request this bow.





  1. This is so pretty! I wish I have a daughter ;)

  2. SO very cute! Where were you when my little girl was small? She had a huge head and none of the headbands I could find in my small town would fit!

    I am following you from the MBC Under 100 Club. I look forward to reading more!

  3. You will love the movie. It is really cute! I can't wait til tomorrow to enter your contest. I love the bows I ordered from you. They are beautiful!!

  4. So sweet!! Stopping by from MBC to follow and say hello :)

  5. My little girl wore her bows for the 4th of July and we got so many comments about how cute she looked! Thanks again

  6. Incredibly, ridiculously, without a doubt, sweet.
    I am following you from under 100 at mbc. Please check out my blog http://www.idonotlikethisjob.com
    If you didn't get it enough that is a very cute girl you have there.

  7. Awww that bow looks so cute! I wish I could get one for my little one but she literally takes off anything we put on her hair. >_<

    As a fellow Mom Bloggers Club member, I'm following via the Follow Me Club list. =) I have also followed your twitter.

    Maricel --- Momhood Moments

    I'm currently building my blogroll. Care for a link exchange / button exchange?
